Azure landing zones

azure landing zone is a conceptual recommended architecture on how you would structure your azure implementation. An azure landing zone is an azure subscription and these subscriptions could be grouped into management groups to apply policies.

there are two types – platform landing zones – these would typically include all your networking related resource groups, vpn , security, identity, log analytics etc that are shared across multiple applications .

application landing zones are used to host your applications that could leverage aks, vms, synapse etc . Within application landing zones , you could have applications that require public access ( aka online ) and have limited or no access to private landing zones and on-prem networks , or you could have applications that have to be on the private network with no public access and this is where you would host all of your internal applications ( aka corp )

these will have connectivity to other private landing zones through vnet peering and with on prem network through vpn gateway or express route

you can have centrally managed workloads typically managed by IT , application workloads managed by app team , technology platform workloads to handle tech platforms like aks, vms etc.

you can assign rbac and policy to both subscriptions and management groups. before management groups were introduced , we used to have everything based on subscription. With the introudction of management groups ,we can now use management groups to assign policies and subscriptions for permissions.

you can add new similar subscriptions to an existing management group and now its easy to manage policy exceptions