Azure infrastructure options

Azure regions are low latency connected data centers

the above link shows the location of each of the data centers

there is cross region pairs with replication for Disaster recovery

this shows the DR site located in a different region , whilst the availability zone is all located within the same Azure region.

Azure Geography is your Geographic data and compliance boundary , so the region pairs within the same country orEU with the same laws can form a geography

Many Azure regions provide availability zones, which are separated groups of datacenters within a region. Availability zones are close enough to have low-latency connections to other availability zones. They’re connected by a high-performance network with a round-trip latency of less than 2ms. However, availability zones are far enough apart to reduce the likelihood that more than one will be affected by local outages or weather.

When you deploy into an Azure region that contains availability zones, you can use multiple availability zones together. By using multiple availability zones, you can keep separate copies of your application and data within separate physical datacenters in a large metropolitan area.

There are two ways that Azure services use availability zones:

  • Zonal resources are pinned to a specific availability zone. You can combine multiple zonal deployments across different zones to meet high reliability requirements. You’re responsible for managing data replication and distributing requests across zones. If an outage occurs in a single availability zone, you’re responsible for failover to another availability zone.
  • Zone-redundant resources are spread across multiple availability zones. Microsoft manages spreading requests across zones and the replication of data across zones. If an outage occurs in a single availability zone, Microsoft manages failover automatically.

Azure services support one or both of these approaches. Platform as a service (PaaS) services typically support zone-redundant deployments. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) services typically support zonal deployments

Each datacenter is assigned to a physical zone. Physical zones are mapped to logical zones in your Azure subscription, and different subscriptions might have a different mapping order. Azure subscriptions are automatically assigned their mapping at the time the subscription is created.

Azure Load balancer – layer 4 – tcp/udp layer . internal – private internal connectivity and public for external connectivity , you can also use load balancer for outbound connectivity similar to gateway

Application gateway – layer 7 application aware load balancing , you can load balance two web apps ( layer 7 ) with a single public ip. it provides URL based routing . app gateway only works at the regional level , both app gateway and front door provide load balancing but front door is at global level

Azure front door us a content acclereration solution that leverages Microsofts global edge network to provide fast connectivity to your solution

microsoft employs cold potato routing

Hot-potato routing (or “closest exit routing”)[2] is the normal behavior generally employed by most ISPs.[1] Like a hot potato in the hand,[2] the source of the packet tries to hand it off as quickly as possible in order to minimize the burden on its network.[1]

Cold-potato routing (or “best exit routing”)[2] on the other hand, requires more work from the source network, but keeps traffic under its control for longer, allowing it to offer a higher end-to-end quality of service to its users.[1] It is prone to misconfiguration as well as poor coordination between two networks, which can result in unnecessarily circuitous paths.[1] NSFNET used cold-potato routing in the 90s.[2]

When a transit network with a hot-potato policy peers with a transit network employing cold-potato routing, traffic ratios between the two networks tend to be symmetric.[2]

Traffic manager – supports several protocols , routes traffic based by responding to dns queries based on routing method , traffic is routed directly ,the routing can be based on performance, prioroty, weighted, geo and multi value and it essentially simply routes to healthy end points. only traffic manager supports geographic routing as in directing usrs to endpoints based on their geographic origin, traffic manager also supports multivalue subnet based routing. Traffic manager works at the dns layer

Front door – supports http/s , both are layer 7 technologies, it accelerates web traffic through microsofts edge network, traffic is proxied at the edge m tge routing is based on latency priority weighted and session affinity, it adds layer 7 features, rate-limiting and ip-based ACLs.

Azure firewall service – managed by microsoft and it automatically scales , two kinds of rules. – network rules similar to on prem firewall ip and ports or application firewall rules where you specify the fqdn and protocol . you can also configure inbound rules using the public ip of the firewall . You can configure Azure Firewall Destination Network Address Translation (DNAT) to translate and filter inbound Internet traffic to your subnets. When you configure DNAT, the NAT rule collection action is set to Dnat. Each rule in the NAT rule collection can then be used to translate your firewall public IP address and port to a private IP address and port. DNAT rules implicitly add a corresponding network rule to allow the translated traffic. For security reasons, the recommended approach is to add a specific Internet source to allow DNAT access to the network and avoid using wildcards.

Azure firewall manager – this allows us to define a higher level policy that gets applied to all firewalls in a certain region or across regions etc and this simplifies the management of firewall rules and these policies get inherited.

Azure Firewall Manager is a security management service that provides central security policy and route management for cloud-based security perimeters.

Firewall Manager can provide security management for two network architecture types:

  • Secured virtual hubAn Azure Virtual WAN Hub is a Microsoft-managed resource that lets you easily create hub and spoke architectures. When security and routing policies are associated with such a hub, it is referred to as a secured virtual hub.
  • Hub virtual networkThis is a standard Azure virtual network that you create and manage yourself. When security policies are associated with such a hub, it is referred to as a hub virtual network. At this time, only Azure Firewall Policy is supported. You can peer spoke virtual networks that contain your workload servers and services. You can also manage firewalls in standalone virtual networks that aren’t peered to any spoke.

For a detailed comparison of secured virtual hub and hub virtual network architectures, see What are the Azure Firewall Manager architecture options?.

Central Azure Firewall deployment and configuration
You can centrally deploy and configure multiple Azure Firewall instances that span different Azure regions and subscriptions.

Hierarchical policies (global and local)
You can use Azure Firewall Manager to centrally manage Azure Firewall policies across multiple secured virtual hubs. Your central IT teams can author global firewall policies to enforce organization wide firewall policy across teams. Locally authored firewall policies allow a DevOps self-service model for better agility.

Integrated with third-party security-as-a-service for advanced security
In addition to Azure Firewall, you can integrate third-party security as a service (SECaaS) providers to provide additional network protection for your VNet and branch Internet connections.

This feature is available only with secured virtual hub deployments.

VNet to Internet (V2I) traffic filtering

Filter outbound virtual network traffic with your preferred third-party security provider.
Leverage advanced user-aware Internet protection for your cloud workloads running on Azure.
Branch to Internet (B2I) traffic filtering

Leverage your Azure connectivity and global distribution to easily add third-party filtering for branch to Internet scenarios.

For more information about security partner providers, see What are Azure Firewall Manager security partner providers?

Centralized route management
Easily route traffic to your secured hub for filtering and logging without the need to manually set up User Defined Routes (UDR) on spoke virtual networks.

This feature is available only with secured virtual hub deployments.

You can use third-party providers for Branch to Internet (B2I) traffic filtering, side by side with Azure Firewall for Branch to VNet (B2V), VNet to VNet (V2V) and VNet to Internet (V2I).

DDoS protection plan
You can associate your virtual networks with a DDoS protection plan within Azure Firewall Manager. For more information, see Configure an Azure DDoS Protection Plan using Azure Firewall Manager.

Manage Web Application Firewall policies
You can centrally create and associate Web Application Firewall (WAF) policies for your application delivery platforms, including Azure Front Door and Azure Application Gateway. For more information, see Manage Web Application Firewall policies.

Region availability
Azure Firewall Policies can be used across regions. For example, you can create a policy in West US, and use it in East US.

Web application Firewall – Web Application Firewall (WAF) provides centralized protection of your web applications from common exploits and vulnerabilities. Web applications are increasingly targeted by malicious attacks that exploit commonly known vulnerabilities. SQL injection and cross-site scripting are among the most common attacks.

WAF can be deployed with Azure Application Gateway, Azure Front Door, and Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) service from Microsoft. 

Azure DDoS Protection, combined with application design best practices, provides enhanced DDoS mitigation features to defend against DDoS attacks. It’s automatically tuned to help protect your specific Azure resources in a virtual network. Protection is simple to enable on any new or existing virtual network, and it requires no application or resource changes.

Azure DDoS Protection protects at layer 3 and layer 4 network layers. For web applications protection at layer 7, you need to add protection at the application layer using a WAF offering

A single endpoint can only have one WAF policy at a time, and WAF policies cannot be assigned to the entire Front Door, only to individual endpoints. Furthermore, the policies in Azure Front Door and Azure Application Gateway are distinct from each other and cannot be used interchangeably

firewall policies can be associated with azure firewalls in any subscription in any region , the only current limitation is that a policy can only be associated with a parent policy that exists within the same region , all setting in parent firewall polocies are inherited by child policies except nat rules because they are specific to a firewall rule.

azure networking

route table. – use the none next hop type to block internet access

forcing traffic to a specific appliance can help us monitor and control traffic using the next hop types

you can have one routing table per subnet and multiple subnets can be associated with the same subnet . is a wildcard and the nexy hop can be virtual appliance

automatic system routes – system routes can be automatically generated e.g. vnet peering

bgp – can help manage dynamic routing.

matching address prefix routes – the below precedence is used custom > BGP > System

nsg – network security groups have priority based rules , lower number rules get processed first and then higher number rules get processed . allow or deny rules are processed only until a single match is found.

All NSGs include a default DENY rule , there is one rule each for inbound and outbound traffic.

NSG can be assigned to a subnet or nic level. if nsg is attached to the subnet , then all devices within that subnet will have to abide by that , in other words if rdp is blocked at the subnet level, you cannot RDP from one vm to another vm even if both vms are in the same subnet, the nsg will block access

All public IP addresses created before the introduction of SKUs are Basic SKU public IP addresses.
You cannot change the SKU after the public IP address is created. A standalone virtual machine, virtual machines within an availability set, or virtual machine scale sets can use Basic or Standard SKUs. Mixing SKUs between virtual machines within availability sets or scale sets or standalone VMs is not allowed.
Basic SKU: If you are creating a public IP address in a region that supports availability zones, the Availability zone setting is set to None by default. Basic Public IPs do not support Availability zones.
Standard SKU: A Standard SKU public IP can be associated to a virtual machine or a load balancer front end. If you’re creating a public IP address in a region that supports availability zones, the Availability zone setting is set to Zone-redundant by default. For more information about availability zones, see the Availability zone setting.
The standard SKU is required if you associate the address to a Standard load balancer. To learn more about standard load balancers, see Azure load balancer standard SKU. When you assign a standard SKU public IP address to a virtual machine’s network interface, you must explicitly allow the intended traffic with a network security group. Communication with the resource fails until you create and associate a network security group and explicitly allow the desired traffic.

NSG rules are stateful , reply traffic does not have to be explicitly opened.

there is outbound internet access available even without a public ip , this is by default.

so even if the vm nics dont have any public ip assigned , it can still route outbound

Virtual network NAT provides shared outbound internet – replaces the need for individual public ip addressing for outbound connectivity.

you can have one public ip address to which the private ips nat to , or it could be a pool of ip addresses, again this is about outbound internet access not inbound internet access. One NAT can be associated with one or more subnets within a VNET.

NAT gateway allows us to assign a public address for the outbound traffic, if we dont have a public ip address, the azure platform will pick one randomly and assign one.

VNET peering , vnets have default connectivity but are otherwise totally isolated, supports cross -subscription connectivity , supports cross region connectivity , but we cannot have address space cannot overlap between peering vnets. There is also no transitive routing in other words, if one vnet is peered to another vnet , and that one is peered to a 3rd vnet , dont expect the first vnet to be automatically peered with the 3rd vnet.

VNET peering does allow connectivity across region, subscription and it does provide private ip address connectivity between vnets

Service endpoints establish a system route over the microsoft backbone that enables routing between a subnet inside our vnet to a platform as a resource as in storage, so the traffic always goes over the msft backbone and not the public internet when service endpoints are configured.

we can leverage service endpoints with azure firewalls to completely lock down the traffic to only microsoft backbone

service endpoints differ from private link – see blog post

privatelink enables a private ip address for both supported azure services as we well as customer /partner managed services . you also get direct control to a specific resource and sub resource and not the entire resource provider , so its much more granular.

VPN. – there is site to site VPN and point to site vpn . you can use vpn to connect vnets instead of vnet peering , but since vnet perring happens over msft backbone , it low latency and not limited on bandwidth , vpn does offer encryption and plus it does support transitive routing . vpn termination point needs public ip address, vnet peering can be enabled with just privatelink and no public ip addresses.

express route can be used with microsoft peering to connect to Microsoft 365 services

vpns and expressroute both go upto 10Gb/s but expressroute direct can go upto 100gb/s

ExpressRoute Direct gives you the ability to connect directly into the Microsoft global network at peering locations strategically distributed around the world. ExpressRoute Direct provides dual 100-Gbps or 10-Gbps connectivity, that supports Active/Active connectivity at scale. You can work with any service provider to set up ExpressRoute Direct.

Key features that ExpressRoute Direct provides include, but not limited to:

  • Large data ingestion into services like Azure Storage and Azure Cosmos DB.
  • Physical isolation for industries that regulates and require dedicated or isolated connectivity such as banks, government, and retail companies.
  • Granular control of circuit distribution based on business unit.

azure vwan – helps to automate and optimize connectivity using the hub and spoke network architecture

Azure Virtual WAN is a networking service that brings many networking, security, and routing functionalities together to provide a single operational interface. Some of the main features include:

  • Branch connectivity (via connectivity automation from Virtual WAN Partner devices such as SD-WAN or VPN CPE).
  • Site-to-site VPN connectivity.
  • Remote user VPN connectivity (point-to-site).
  • Private connectivity (ExpressRoute).
  • Intra-cloud connectivity (transitive connectivity for virtual networks).
  • VPN ExpressRoute inter-connectivity.
  • Routing, Azure Firewall, and encryption for private connectivity.

You don’t have to have all of these use cases to start using Virtual WAN. You can get started with just one use case, and then adjust your network as it evolves.

The Virtual WAN architecture is a hub and spoke architecture with scale and performance built in for branches (VPN/SD-WAN devices), users (Azure VPN/OpenVPN/IKEv2 clients), ExpressRoute circuits, and virtual networks. It enables a global transit network architecture, where the cloud hosted network ‘hub’ enables transitive connectivity between endpoints that may be distributed across different types of ‘spokes’.

Azure regions serve as hubs that you can choose to connect to. All hubs are connected in full mesh in a Standard Virtual WAN making it easy for the user to use the Microsoft backbone for any-to-any (any spoke) connectivity.

For spoke connectivity with SD-WAN/VPN devices, users can either manually set it up in Azure Virtual WAN, or use the Virtual WAN CPE (SD-WAN/VPN) partner solution to set up connectivity to Azure. We have a list of partners that support connectivity automation (ability to export the device info into Azure, download the Azure configuration and establish connectivity) with Azure Virtual WAN

The Virtual WAN architecture is a hub and spoke architecture with scale and performance built in where branches (VPN/SD-WAN devices), users (Azure VPN Clients, openVPN, or IKEv2 Clients), ExpressRoute circuits, virtual networks serve as spokes to virtual hub(s). All hubs are connected in full mesh in a Standard Virtual WAN making it easy for the user to use the Microsoft backbone for any-to-any (any spoke) connectivity. For hub and spoke with SD-WAN/VPN devices, users can either manually set it up in the Azure Virtual WAN portal or use the Virtual WAN Partner CPE (SD-WAN/VPN) to set up connectivity to Azure.

Virtual WAN partners provide automation for connectivity, which is the ability to export the device info into Azure, download the Azure configuration and establish connectivity to the Azure Virtual WAN hub. For point-to-site/User VPN connectivity, we support Azure VPN client, OpenVPN, or IKEv2 client.

vnet integration – this is used for outbound connectivity

The virtual network integration feature:

  • Requires a supported Basic or Standard, Premium, Premium v2, Premium v3, or Elastic Premium App Service pricing tier.
  • Supports TCP and UDP.
  • Works with App Service apps, function apps and Logic apps.

There are some things that virtual network integration doesn’t support, like:

  • Mounting a drive.
  • Windows Server Active Directory domain join.
  • NetBIOS.

Virtual network integration supports connecting to a virtual network in the same region. Using virtual network integration enables your app to access:

  • Resources in the virtual network you’re integrated with.
  • Resources in virtual networks peered to the virtual network your app is integrated with including global peering connections.
  • Resources across Azure ExpressRoute connections.
  • Service endpoint-secured services.
  • Private endpoint-enabled services.

When you use virtual network integration, you can use the following Azure networking features:

  • Network security groups (NSGs): You can block outbound traffic with an NSG that’s placed on your integration subnet. The inbound rules don’t apply because you can’t use virtual network integration to provide inbound access to your app.
  • Route tables (UDRs): You can place a route table on the integration subnet to send outbound traffic where you want.
  • NAT gateway: You can use NAT gateway to get a dedicated outbound IP and mitigate SNAT port exhaustion.

Hybrid Connections is both a service in Azure and a feature in Azure App Service. As a service, it has uses and capabilities beyond those that are used in App Service.

Within App Service, Hybrid Connections can be used to access application resources in any network that can make outbound calls to Azure over port 443. Hybrid Connections provides access from your app to a TCP endpoint and doesn’t enable a new way to access your app. As used in App Service, each Hybrid Connection correlates to a single TCP host and port combination. This enables your apps to access resources on any OS, provided it’s a TCP endpoint. The Hybrid Connections feature doesn’t know or care what the application protocol is, or what you are accessing. It simply provides network access.

Hybrid Connections requires a relay agent to be deployed where it can reach both the desired endpoint as well as to Azure. The relay agent, Hybrid Connection Manager (HCM), calls out to Azure Relay over port 443. From the web app site, the App Service infrastructure also connects to Azure Relay on your application’s behalf. Through the joined connections, your app is able to access the desired endpoint. The connection uses TLS 1.2 for security and shared access signature (SAS) keys for authentication and authorization.

App Service Hybrid Connection benefits

There are a number of benefits to the Hybrid Connections capability, including:

  • Apps can access on-premises systems and services securely.
  • The feature doesn’t require an internet-accessible endpoint.
  • It’s quick and easy to set up. No gateways required.
  • Each Hybrid Connection matches to a single host:port combination, helpful for security.
  • It normally doesn’t require firewall holes. The connections are all outbound over standard web ports.
  • Because the feature is network level, it’s agnostic to the language used by your app and the technology used by the endpoint.
  • It can be used to provide access in multiple networks from a single app.
  • It’s supported in GA for Windows apps and Linux apps. It isn’t supported for Windows custom containers.

Azure Relay is one of the key capability pillars of the Azure Service Bus platform. The new Hybrid Connections capability of Relay is a secure, open-protocol evolution based on HTTP and WebSockets. It supersedes the former, equally named BizTalk Services feature that was built on a proprietary protocol foundation. The integration of Hybrid Connections into Azure App Services will continue to function as-is.

Hybrid Connections enables bi-directional, request-response, and binary stream communication, and simple datagram flow between two networked applications. Either or both parties can be behind NATs or firewalls.

resource firewalls – resources like sql , keyvault, storage , these all have their own firewall to restrict and lock down access. if you turn this on , the default is to deny all traffic

azure compute options

Virtual Machines – these get deployed in hypervisors, based on VM family. – cpu optimized that have more cpu than memory , memory optimized , storage optimized , gpu , HPC. disk options vary from premium ssd best for production and performance , standard ssd – good for web servers etc , standard HDD suited for HDD. VNET spans the entire region .

Scale sets – these are meant for similar VMs and scale sets are for High Availability and autoscaling . its built off a single image and additional vms can automatically spin up. The VNET spans the entire region so vmscale sets can span the entire region or multiple availability zones in the same region . since there are multiple vms , you can either use an azure load balancer or application gateway to front the traffic. you need specify the scaling options based on rule.

container Based solutions – ACI – azure container instances – launch in seconds , limited functionality . ACI scales using container groups—a collection of containers running on the same host. Containers in a container group share lifecycles, resources, local networks, and storage volumes. This is similar to a Kubernetes pod. ACI is useful for scenarios that do not require capabilities like service discovery, coordinated upgrades, or autoscaling. Note that if you do need these capabilities, you can use ACI in combination with AKS or another orchestrator.container groups can be created with a yaml file that has all the config details and then using the az container create command.

Azure kubernetes service AKS has added features like automatic pod scaling , cluster scaling , upgrades, azure ad integration etc . the control plane or master node is not billed and is managed by Azure. The worker nodes ( can be aci as well ) does get billed. Connectivity within a vnet using kubenet networking or Azure Container networking interface. ACNI gives a direct ip from the vnet , so it gives direct access compared to the kubenet architecture

Azure app service. – this comes with built in management, ha, autoscaling , ci/cd, vnet integration . it can be used to host apps web mobile , rest api , webjobs . The app service plan determines your features and resources. its shared multi tenant service . Shared service plans , dedicated plans and isolated plans are all available.

Azure functions – you define bindings and triggers and encapsulate logic within the function , Function can be in the consumption plan i.e you pay for the execution , premium plan wherein it executes inside your vnet and dedicated plan where it executes inside your app service plan ( probably the enterprise way to go )

HPC – high performance compute share a common architecture , job scheduler that splits the task and executes in parallel o it could have inter dependencies . Azure batch is full managed cloud hpc cluster and scheduling and gives developers sdks and apis for hpc jobs

azure cycle cloud – bring your own hpc to azure – essentially runs a large vm that hosts the HPC like slurm , lsf or even file systems like BeeGFS , NFS

For isolation purposes, use dedicated hardware – the phy host is just reserved for you, you can leverage existing licensing since its physical host.

Host group – group of one or more dedicated hosts and helps to control high availability . you can deploy vms to these hosts.

App service environment – dedicated environment as in the underlying physical hosts could be shared across tenants or could be dedicated hosts, but the underlying vms or containers that are used to host the app service environment is deployed to your vnet, it enables scaling and access can be for internal or external use. the app service plan is deployed to the ASE

ACI do share hypervisor , but now you can use dedicated host

The pricing tier of an App Service plan determines what App Service features you get and how much you pay for the plan. The pricing tiers available to your App Service plan depend on the operating system selected at creation time. There are the following categories of pricing tiers:

  • Shared computeFree and Shared, the two base tiers, runs an app on the same Azure VM as other App Service apps, including apps of other customers. These tiers allocate CPU quotas to each app that runs on the shared resources, and the resources cannot scale out. These tiers are intended to be used only for development and testing purposes.
  • Dedicated compute: The BasicStandardPremiumPremiumV2, and PremiumV3 tiers run apps on dedicated Azure VMs. Only apps in the same App Service plan share the same compute resources. The higher the tier, the more VM instances are available to you for scale-out.
  • Isolated: The Isolated and IsolatedV2 tiers run dedicated Azure VMs on dedicated Azure Virtual Networks. It provides network isolation on top of compute isolation to your apps. It provides the maximum scale-out capabilities.

Azure active directory

these are my notes as i prepare for a certification exam

i already have fundamental understanding of aad/entra so i am not covering that , we will move to some specific topics

conditional access policies – these are policies that allow or block access based on certain conditions and it requires azure ad premium p1 licensing. it is possible to get locked and blocked out of your own environment, so its good to run these policies in a report only mode and use the what if tool to evaluate , before you actually apply these policies.

  • named locations – msft maps the ip addresses to countries and now you can have named locations
  • you can add ip ranges
  • assignments – you can include all the roles and groups to which to these policies apply to , what apps these are applicable for and then add conditions like specific location , device type , granular control with device properties etc
  • Access controls – this controls access enforcement like require mfa , and other policies and you can and /or these grants. Session access controls are for specific
  • identity protection

Privileged identity management – PIM – This allows finer more granular controls on who gets access to what resource when , in other words you could use this to set up a workflow , where someone wants to log in as a global admin and your require another approver to approve the request etc. , in this case someone is eligible but they don’t get immediate access, you sort of have to initiate the approval

Term or conceptRole assignment categoryDescription
eligibleTypeA role assignment that requires a user to perform one or more actions to use the role. If a user has been made eligible for a role, that means they can activate the role when they need to perform privileged tasks. There’s no difference in the access given to someone with a permanent versus an eligible role assignment. The only difference is that some people don’t need that access all the time.
activeTypeA role assignment that doesn’t require a user to perform any action to use the role. Users assigned as active have the privileges assigned to the role.
activateThe process of performing one or more actions to use a role that a user is eligible for. Actions might include performing a multi-factor authentication (MFA) check, providing a business justification, or requesting approval from designated approvers.
assignedStateA user that has an active role assignment.
activatedStateA user that has an eligible role assignment, performed the actions to activate the role, and is now active. Once activated, the user can use the role for a preconfigured period of time before they need to activate again.
permanent eligibleDurationA role assignment where a user is always eligible to activate the role.
permanent activeDurationA role assignment where a user can always use the role without performing any actions.
time-bound eligibleDurationA role assignment where a user is eligible to activate the role only within start and end dates.
time-bound activeDurationA role assignment where a user can use the role only within start and end dates.
just-in-time (JIT) accessA model in which users receive temporary permissions to perform privileged tasks, which prevents malicious or unauthorized users from gaining access after the permissions have expired. Access is granted only when users need it.
principle of least privilege accessA recommended security practice in which every user is provided with only the minimum privileges needed to accomplish the tasks they’re authorized to perform. This practice minimizes the number of Global Administrators and instead uses specific administrator roles for certain scenarios.
from msft learn site

PIM aslo allows conduct reviewing of audit history , set up time bound access etc

access reviews. – automate the review and schedule the maintenance of access removal,need p2 licensing, create and manage reviews in azure portal -> Active directory -> identity governance

RBAC to give least privilege access

PIM to provision access only when its needed

Sign in risk policy – to restrict sing ins from anonymous ips

What if feature helps determine whether access would be allowed or denied when multiple policies are configured and also allows to specify the conditions and parameters of a given scenario to determine the policy result

conditional access includes functionality to create locations based on geography , in this case microsoft manages the ip addresses associated with the location to determine whether the request originates from a specific country. Locations like headoffice can be tagged as a trusted location , once a location is configured m it can be used in zero or more policies either to include or exclude them

PIM is required if we want to ensure MFA for global admins , pim can be used this way to control activation of assigned privileges

identity protection can be used to protect Azure AD identities from suspicious activity

access reviews can review user access for sso to apps integrated with AAD, Azure AD roles and Azure resource roles within PIM, as well as Group Reviews

Azure solutions architect

this is a hi level step plan for studying for the azure solutions architect AZ305 exam

  1. understand Azure active directory / Entra implementation
  2. Understand compute options – vm, container, app service etc
  3. understand networking strategy
  4. understand options for app development and app security
  5. understand how to deploy analytics / big data application
  6. understand how DR, monitoring , auditing , governance and migrations work