azure compute options

Virtual Machines – these get deployed in hypervisors, based on VM family. – cpu optimized that have more cpu than memory , memory optimized , storage optimized , gpu , HPC. disk options vary from premium ssd best for production and performance , standard ssd – good for web servers etc , standard HDD suited for HDD. VNET spans the entire region .

Scale sets – these are meant for similar VMs and scale sets are for High Availability and autoscaling . its built off a single image and additional vms can automatically spin up. The VNET spans the entire region so vmscale sets can span the entire region or multiple availability zones in the same region . since there are multiple vms , you can either use an azure load balancer or application gateway to front the traffic. you need specify the scaling options based on rule.

container Based solutions – ACI – azure container instances – launch in seconds , limited functionality . ACI scales using container groups—a collection of containers running on the same host. Containers in a container group share lifecycles, resources, local networks, and storage volumes. This is similar to a Kubernetes pod. ACI is useful for scenarios that do not require capabilities like service discovery, coordinated upgrades, or autoscaling. Note that if you do need these capabilities, you can use ACI in combination with AKS or another orchestrator.container groups can be created with a yaml file that has all the config details and then using the az container create command.

Azure kubernetes service AKS has added features like automatic pod scaling , cluster scaling , upgrades, azure ad integration etc . the control plane or master node is not billed and is managed by Azure. The worker nodes ( can be aci as well ) does get billed. Connectivity within a vnet using kubenet networking or Azure Container networking interface. ACNI gives a direct ip from the vnet , so it gives direct access compared to the kubenet architecture

Azure app service. – this comes with built in management, ha, autoscaling , ci/cd, vnet integration . it can be used to host apps web mobile , rest api , webjobs . The app service plan determines your features and resources. its shared multi tenant service . Shared service plans , dedicated plans and isolated plans are all available.

Azure functions – you define bindings and triggers and encapsulate logic within the function , Function can be in the consumption plan i.e you pay for the execution , premium plan wherein it executes inside your vnet and dedicated plan where it executes inside your app service plan ( probably the enterprise way to go )

HPC – high performance compute share a common architecture , job scheduler that splits the task and executes in parallel o it could have inter dependencies . Azure batch is full managed cloud hpc cluster and scheduling and gives developers sdks and apis for hpc jobs

azure cycle cloud – bring your own hpc to azure – essentially runs a large vm that hosts the HPC like slurm , lsf or even file systems like BeeGFS , NFS

For isolation purposes, use dedicated hardware – the phy host is just reserved for you, you can leverage existing licensing since its physical host.

Host group – group of one or more dedicated hosts and helps to control high availability . you can deploy vms to these hosts.

App service environment – dedicated environment as in the underlying physical hosts could be shared across tenants or could be dedicated hosts, but the underlying vms or containers that are used to host the app service environment is deployed to your vnet, it enables scaling and access can be for internal or external use. the app service plan is deployed to the ASE

ACI do share hypervisor , but now you can use dedicated host

The pricing tier of an App Service plan determines what App Service features you get and how much you pay for the plan. The pricing tiers available to your App Service plan depend on the operating system selected at creation time. There are the following categories of pricing tiers:

  • Shared computeFree and Shared, the two base tiers, runs an app on the same Azure VM as other App Service apps, including apps of other customers. These tiers allocate CPU quotas to each app that runs on the shared resources, and the resources cannot scale out. These tiers are intended to be used only for development and testing purposes.
  • Dedicated compute: The BasicStandardPremiumPremiumV2, and PremiumV3 tiers run apps on dedicated Azure VMs. Only apps in the same App Service plan share the same compute resources. The higher the tier, the more VM instances are available to you for scale-out.
  • Isolated: The Isolated and IsolatedV2 tiers run dedicated Azure VMs on dedicated Azure Virtual Networks. It provides network isolation on top of compute isolation to your apps. It provides the maximum scale-out capabilities.