setting up integration runtime for DataFactory

To set up a runtime go ahead to the runtime and select new as shown below and select integration runtime set up.

once you select the self hosted , this will give you two options to install it

once you download and install integration runtime , it prompts us for an authentication key

if you chose option 2 , you can put in the authentication key

you do have to upgrade the .net version else it will complain.

once the key is put in , you can register the integration runtime and this will register the runtime to your cloud account.

the status should say running and you have just completed setting up a self hosted runtime

Pull request in ADF

In Azure Data Factory , we are presented with four choices while we complete a pull request

The Squash commit is the cleanest option , since it gives one commit on the target and the individual commits in the development/ feature branch is ignored. If we need to roll back , we know exactly which commit to go back to. I am sure there will be a difference of opinion in this matter , would love to hear your views on this.