docker – part 3

lets pull in a specific version of node with the alpine tag , alpine images are typically the samllest and helps you create small images.

docker pull node:lts-alpine
lts-alpine: Pulling from library/node
cbdbe7a5bc2a: Pull complete                                                                                             9287919c3a0f: Pull complete                                                                                             43a47bbd54c9: Pull complete                                                                                             3c1bcea295c4: Pull complete                                                                                             Digest: sha256:53bbb1eeb8bc916ee27f9e01c542788699121bd7b5a9d9f39eaff64c2fcd0412
Status: Downloaded newer image for node:lts-alpine

lets look at the size tag

C:\training>docker image ls
REPOSITORY                                  TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
user-service-api                            latest              d6c4df7196aa        44 hours ago        945MB
website                                     latest              ec6fa782dfbf        45 hours ago        137MB
node                                        lts-alpine          d8b74300d554        6 days ago          89.6MB
node                                        latest              f47907840247        6 days ago          943MB

note how small the lts-alpine image is , its only 137MB compared to the 943MB for node

the same applies for nginx – bottom line alpine linux images are much more smaller

nginx alpine bd53a8aa5ac9 8 days ago 22.3MB
nginx latest 992e3b7be046 8 days ago 133MB

lets change our images to use the alpine version

change the corresponding dockerfile , where it says From , update to refer to the nginx :alpine or node:alpine and issue the build command as shown below

C:\training\nodeegs\user-service-api>docker build -t user-service-api:latest .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  19.97kB
Step 1/6 : FROM node:alpine
 ---> 87e4e57acaa5
Step 2/6 : WORKDIR /app
 ---> Running in 2c324be4450e
Removing intermediate container 2c324be4450e
 ---> a52a0e88e8e9
Step 3/6 : ADD package*.json ./
 ---> d69b2ede02d2
Step 4/6 : RUN npm install
 ---> Running in 79165a49fa10
npm WARN user-service-api@1.0.0 No description
npm WARN user-service-api@1.0.0 No repository field.

added 50 packages from 37 contributors and audited 50 packages in 1.699s
found 0 vulnerabilities

Removing intermediate container 79165a49fa10
 ---> 6e7a39633834
Step 5/6 : ADD . .
 ---> 9a2cc6e2ef61
Step 6/6 : CMD node index.js
 ---> Running in 951c562eaa77
Removing intermediate container 951c562eaa77
 ---> 48026bfc7e3d
Successfully built 48026bfc7e3d
Successfully tagged user-service-api:latest
SECURITY WARNING: You are building a Docker image from Windows against a non-Windows Docker host. All files and directories added to build context will have '-rwxr-xr-x' permissions. It is recommended to double check and reset permissions for sensitive files and directories.

now when we check the image size , we can see the size reduced as well since we reused the tags, the older images are assigned none

C:\training\dockertrng>docker image ls
REPOSITORY                                  TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
website                                     latest              556fcda99af2        5 seconds ago       26.3MB
user-service-api                            latest              48026bfc7e3d        2 minutes ago       119MB
<none>                                      <none>              d6c4df7196aa        44 hours ago        945MB
<none>                                      <none>              ec6fa782dfbf        45 hours ago        137MB
node                                        alpine              87e4e57acaa5        6 days ago          117MB
node                                        latest              f47907840247        6 days ago          943MB
nginx                                       alpine              bd53a8aa5ac9        8 days ago          22.3MB
nginx                                       latest              992e3b7be046        8 days ago          133MB

lets look at tags , version and tagging . Version allows controlling image version. Since the underlying image of node , nginx can change , its advisable to specify version. go to and search for node as well as go to and figure out the stable version

on the , look for the corresponding alpine image

mention this version in the docker file



vscode will actually list out all of the image versions available. now go ahead and reissue the docker build command and you can now see the exact version being pulled to create the image

you can use the docker tag command to assign a version to an image. so in the example below , we can assign version 1 to the image with the latest tag

docker tag user-service-api:latest user-service-api:1

C:\training\nodeegs\user-service-api>docker image ls
REPOSITORY                                  TAG                  IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
user-service-api                            1                    f97cb57c9621        38 minutes ago      92.4MB
user-service-api                            latest               f97cb57c9621        38 minutes ago      92.4MB
website                                     latest               556fcda99af2        54 minutes ago      26.3MB

if we need to make any change to the source code , we can build it and assign it the tag latest and then create a version 2 from the latest tag. This way the image with the latest tag will always point to the latest version and then we have specific versions as well.

C:\training\nodeegs\user-service-api>docker image ls
REPOSITORY                                  TAG                  IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
user-service-api                            1                    f97cb57c9621        42 minutes ago      92.4MB
user-service-api                            2 talk about docker registries , docker registries is a scalable server side application that stores and lets you distribute images. We just need to use the command push to get the image to the registry. docker hub is a public registry , , Amazon ECR , Azure container registry , google container registry are the other ones .

lets push one of our images to docker hub , login to docker hub and create anew repo , you get one private repo by default

in my case i am going to call the private repository as myrepo and this is what it looks like

it shows the command to push a new tag to this repo . go back to your desktop and click on login and this presents you with the login screen

you can also login by typing docker login and enter your creds

here is the tricky part , the push refers to the registry path , so its best to name the repo same as application and in docker to put a tag that has your docker id

docker push sjvz/myrepos/userserviceapi:2
The push refers to repository []
d8ff11b621d8: Preparing                                                                                                 c980f362df9f: Preparing                                                                                                 b87374988724: Preparing                                                                                                 6e960b3b1e1c: Preparing                                                                                                 8760de05bee9: Preparing                                                                                                 52fdc5bf1f19: Waiting                                                                                                   8049bee4ff2a: Waiting                                                                                                   50644c29ef5a: Waiting                                                                                                   denied: requested access to the resource is denied

docker tag user-service-api:2 sjvz/myrepos:2

docker push sjvz/myrepos:2
The push refers to repository []
d8ff11b621d8: Pushed                                                                                                    c980f362df9f: Pushed                                                                                                    b87374988724: Pushed                                                                                                    6e960b3b1e1c: Pushed                                                                                                    8760de05bee9: Pushed                                                                                                    52fdc5bf1f19: Pushed                                                                                                    8049bee4ff2a: Pushed                                                                                                    50644c29ef5a: Pushed                                                                                                    2: digest: sha256:169e40860aa8d2db29de09cdd33d9fe924c8eda71e27212f3054742806ca7fec size: 1992

its kind of weird , but i have tagged my application with myid/reponame and then pushed to the repo …not sure if there is a better way to do this

so its best to delete the repository and name it same as application and then push to the same

you can delete the repo by going into settings .

when you create a new repo , it does give you these instructions to tag the image with the reponame as follows

docker tag local-image:tagname new-repo:tagname
docker push new-repo:tagname

you can use docker inspect containerid to inspect the container

docker logs containerid to inspect the logs

docker logs -f containerid , to follow the logs in realtime

to get into the container , use docker exec -it containerid , the i stands for interactive and the ‘t’ stands for tty terminal