Dynamic Data masking in Azure synapse

This feature helps us set masking rules so sensitive data can be masked with a bunch of XXXX’s , so that column level security does not force you to change the schema

the unfortunate thing is that we don’t get to set it using the Azure portal for Azure synapse . We will need to use the REST API or the CLI for the same

Lets look at the rules before we look at the CLI – see pic below to see the options we get to Data Masking . in the case below , the random number range is greyed out because the column selected is not numeric.

Masking rules and functions

Masking functionMasking logic
DefaultFull masking according to the data types of the designated fields

• Use XXXX or fewer Xs if the size of the field is less than 4 characters for string data types (nchar, ntext, nvarchar).
• Use a zero value for numeric data types (bigint, bit, decimal, int, money, numeric, smallint, smallmoney, tinyint, float, real).
• Use 01-01-1900 for date/time data types (date, datetime2, datetime, datetimeoffset, smalldatetime, time).
• For SQL variant, the default value of the current type is used.
• For XML the document <masked/> is used.
• Use an empty value for special data types (timestamp table, hierarchyid, GUID, binary, image, varbinary spatial types).
Credit cardMasking method, which exposes the last four digits of the designated fields and adds a constant string as a prefix in the form of a credit card.

EmailMasking method, which exposes the first letter and replaces the domain with XXX.com using a constant string prefix in the form of an email address.

Random numberMasking method, which generates a random number according to the selected boundaries and actual data types. If the designated boundaries are equal, then the masking function is a constant number.

Navigation pane
Custom textMasking method, which exposes the first and last characters and adds a custom padding string in the middle. If the original string is shorter than the exposed prefix and suffix, only the padding string is used.

Navigation pane

now lets look at how to set this on Azure synapse using CLI

  • we will use power shell to connect
  • microsoft has provided some Azure cmdlets in power shell
  • you need to install the module az first , open up power shell ISE and enter the command below
  • Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser
  • run these commands below

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Connect-AzAccount

Account SubscriptionName TenantId
——- —————- ——–
xxxx@outlook.com Visual Studio Enterprise 55xxxx

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-AzSqlDatabaseDataMaskingPolicy -ResourceGroupName “sjvzdw” -ServerName “sjvzdwsrvr” -DatabaseName “sjvzdwpool”

DatabaseName : sjvzdwpool
ResourceGroupName : sjvzdw
ServerName : sjvzdwsrvr
DataMaskingState : Disabled
PrivilegedUsers :

  • As you can see the DataMaskingState is Disabled
  • Now run this command to create a DataMasking rule
  • New-AzSqlDatabaseDataMaskingRule -ResourceGroupName “sjvzdw” -ServerName “sjvzdwsrvr” -DatabaseName “sjvzdwpool” -SchemaName “twh” -TableName “loaditineraries” -ColumnName “session_key” -MaskingFunction “Default”

  • The following masking function values are allowed
    • NoMasking
    • Default
    • Text
    • Number
    • SocialSecurityNumber
    • CreditCardNumber
    • Email

if you rerun the Get command again , you will see that the DataMasking State has been enabled

References –

