query performance

Here are some things to look at when you try to improve query performance , lets start with what each of the terms that show in the query plan means

index seek – reads portion of the index which contains the indexed data

index scan – reads the entire index for the needed data

table scan – read the entire table for the needed data

key lookup – looks up value row by row , this happens when the index seek does not have enough information , so it needs to lookup based on the key from the clustered index, this is an expensive operation. One option is to add the missing columns to the index , so that index seek would take care of it.

Table valued functions – these functions return tables , think of it as views that accept parameters – these are good for low row counts but could affect performance, the stats are not available to the optimizer so test the performance when using these.

set showplan_all on – shows execution plan as text

set statistics io, time on – gets more details in the sql execution plan – you dont have to over the step

use the include syntax to add more columns to the index , so you can reduce the key lookup to index seek – this goes in the index key column and the included column.

nested loops – performs inner , outer ,semi and anti semi join . perform search on the inner table for each row of the outer table

Hash match – creates a hash for required cols for each row

other operations – sort

query store – data collection tool , shows queries that have regressed

alter database yourdb SET QUERY_STORE = ON



Use the option within stored procedure

fragmentation greater than 30% then rebuild index

look at sys.database_files







if user scans, user seeks ,system scan , seeks are 0 , its good candidate to drop

