recurrent neural network

RNN’s or recurrent neural network are a class of neural network where all of the the previous inputs play a part in defining the next step and this sort of forward loop continues till the last step. This makes it very useful for time series based use case or natural language processing

RNNs can model all of the sequential data that it sees and recurrent as in recurring is indicative of something happening again and its lends itself great for NLP.

this link has a good cheatsheet on the architecture of neural network

basically there is one to one , one to many ( music note generation ) , many to one ( sentiment analysis ) , many to many ( language translation ) types of RNN architecture. Many to Many can have two kinds – one where the output qty matches with the input qty and the other where the two are different for eg in translation , the target language can have a different number of words than what it sees in the source language.