terraform basics

resource – fundamental element to provision a resource in the cloud , so lets say you want to deploy a snow flake masking policy resource in the cloud ( complicated example , i know , but bear with me ) . This resource definition can be found here


resource "snowflake_masking_policy" "example_masking_policy" {
  name               = "EXAMPLE_MASKING_POLICY"
  database           = "EXAMPLE_DB"
  schema             = "EXAMPLE_SCHEMA"
  value_data_type    = "string"
  masking_expression = "case when current_role() in ('ANALYST') then val else sha2(val, 512) end"
  return_data_type   = "string"

the first string after the key word resource identifies this to be a snowflake masking policy . The second name is the variable name example_masking_policy that is how terraform will identify this in state and definition. The curly brackets enclose the properties for the resource , so in this case the name of the policy , the database where this would be created, the schema etc will have to defined here .

so here are the high level steps in running terraform

Terraform init – this is the first command you need to run , this pulls the provider information, modules ( we will get to this later ) and stores it in the directory where this command is run

Terraform validate – this command check if the resource definition is syntatically correct

Terraform Plan – this gives an output of what changes will be applied ( or removed ) with the current config file. This steps parses through the current file , checks and refreshes the state file, compare the difference between the config and the state file and calculates what needs to be applied.

Terraform apply – this is the final step to apply the changes identified in the previou step

Terraform destroy – this will wipe out everything

now lets talk about modules – this is where you can combine multiple resource definition file and deploy it as a module , so in the snowflake scenario , you can deploy one module that can deploy databases and associated schemas . This can have an associated variables.tf file and the module can deploy the resources that these variables assume the corresponding value. Now in the main.tf file , we can set the corresponding variables that are for your specific instance . Modules thus give us a way to come up with a generic but standard template to deploy our infrastructure.